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Let's Get Messy! A Cake Smash with Me!

Writer's picture: samanthapaigephotosamanthapaigephoto

Your little one is turning one. Where on Earth has that time gone? It will feel like only yesterday they were tiny and now they’re one with lots cheeky smiles and a growing personality.

A cake smash is the perfect way to celebrate and photograph a baby who is about to turn one.

It’s messy wild fun pay for your little one, without any cleaning up for you! There are lots of ways to do a cake smash, from switching the cake, changing the themes - the possibilities are endless and can all be unique to you.

Some people will dread a cake smash, they think it will be stressful, messy - a catastrophe waiting to happen! But every time I’ve had a session it’s ended up being a truly enjoyable and memorable experience.

I manage to capture lot of wonderful images, showcasing the best smiles, the best laughter - images that you will absolutely love and treasure forever.

To me sessions aren’t just taking the photos on the day. Heres my flow of a cake smash session;

Planning is essential - I always communicate with my clients as I need to create the look your want. I’ll be prepared and have everything my end ready the day before and I ask that you do the same. From the cake (whether you supply or I supply) to an outfit you choose. Each client wants a different style and I love that. A personalised theme is just that - it’s personal and can guarantee you love your images all the more. When planning - a theme is not just a character, it’s all the colours, the accessories right down to what you want your baby to wear (and the theme should be reflected in the cake!) Babies can simply be in their nappy/ fancy cloth nappy, or sometimes have an outfit to match the theme.

My next stage is - TEST TEST TEST! There is nothing worse than planning and getting things set to start taking photos to realise it doesn’t work. So before your sessions I set my camera and test the lighting. (This also gives me the opportunity to capture a ‘before set’ shot which some parents love!)

Personally my cake smash sessions consist of more than just ‘smash eat play’. I start without the cake. Bright colours, balloons and sometimes your accessories are enough to make a child want to play!

I let them go wild on set for a moment and capture those images of pure happiness whilst your baby takes in all the colours and things to do.

Once they start to become acquainted with the space I bring out the cake! I’ll release another blog at some point with some cake do’s and don’ts - because at the end of the day, the cake has a whole bunch of criteria on it’s own! From there I like to take photo's of the cake on it's own - before your baby gets to play. It’s again, a great before and after shot! Then just let them have fun with it. If you are having fun, your baby will have fun too. I love cake smash sessions, the amount of laughter had makes them by far my favourite session to capture.

Some babies may not just ‘dig in’. This is where I will have a parent break off a small piece - showing your child what to do, and offering it to them. From there they tend to get the idea and then theres no stopping them! Then I just take photo’s! Every moment that child is enjoying cake is a picture to be had! From sticky fingers to messy toes every image will document a moment from the session.

I then get my after image. Either a crumb left mess or a demolished half cake - and of course that wonderful smile on your babies face!

I run 2 different sessions. A simple cake smash or a splash and smash. With my simple cake smash - at this point I will offer wipes, and tissues to parents to clean their baby. The session is over. But with my splash sessions, I then get out the bath! It’s time for a wash. I fill the bath with lots of bubbles and it’s time to let them splash away. Clean baby for you - fun for them! I love to add extra bubbles, toys that match the theme or any items you want to include.

Splash photos add a lovely variety to your gallery and I feel just bring the session to a natural end.

Once they’ve had a wash, I’ll offer a towel and the session has come to an end.

So thats a cake smash / splash session with me!

Feel free to drop me a message/comment, let me know if you’ve had a great theme for your cake smash? Or maybe you’ve had a disaster of a time - let me know!

A Cake Smash with Me! Samantha Paige Photography | Bedford #cakesmashphotographerbedford #cakesmashphotos #letsgetmessycakesmashes

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